Recipe: Pineapple Upside Down Cake

Serves: 8 to 10

This is one of our all time favorite Dutch Oven desserts. The exciting finish comes at the last moment when the cake is inverted to reveal the impressive topping.

4 Tbs. Butter
1 Cup Brown Sugar
1 Can pineapple rings
8 cherries (optional)
½ Cup Chopped Nuts (optional)
Whipping Cream (optional)
1 Yellow Cake Mix
1 Cup pineapple juice
3 eggs
1/3 cup water
1/3 Cup oil


Prepare Cake Topping: On your stove melt butter in the bottom of a 12" Dutch Oven. Sprinkle the brown sugar evenly over the butter. As soon as the brown sugar is dissolved place the pineapple rings in a single layer on top of the brown sugar. Make a nice ring around the outside of the Dutch Oven and then place the remainder in the center. (For added flare you can place a cherry in the center of each ring or some chopped nuts on top of the pineapple.)


Prepare Cake Batter: In a mixing bowl combine cake mix, pineapple juice, water, eggs and oil. Mix well. Spoon cake batter over the top of the pineapple rings. Carefully spread the batter evenly to the edges of the Dutch Oven.


Bake your Cake:
Cover Dutch Oven and bake using 7-10 briquettes underneath and 14-16 briquettes on top of the Dutch Oven for about 45 minutes. You can test to see if your cake is done by inserting a knife or toothpick in a few areas. If it comes out clean, your cake is done! Remember, anytime you open the lid to check on your cake you loose heat, just like your oven at home. You will smell your cake before it is almost done.

Let the cake cool for about 10 minutes or so with the lid cracked. Then, take a rubber scraper or a knife and run around the outer edge of the cake to loosen it from the Dutch Oven. For the next step make sure you have gloves on, the oven will still be hot! This is the fun part! Take a flat serving tray and place it on the top of the Dutch Oven. Carefully place one hand on the lid and the other on the Dutch Oven. Now, on three, flip the oven over so the cake falls onto the tray. Place the tray on a table and tap the oven to make sure the cake did not stick. After that, carefully lift the oven off of the tray.

The cake is best served warm with whipped cream topping!


  1. I am so doin this on the James River in VA this weekend. CANOE TRIP LATE NIGHT SNACKY TREAT SURPRISE. I am renaming it for this weekend.


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